Sabrina Fox

Sabrina Fox

Instructor, Adult Basic Education, Cowichan
Credentials: BEd, MEd, PhD
Fax: 250.746.3529
Building / Room: 700 / 310


Sabrina believes story is what helps people to connect and to understand themselves, the world, and others around them. There is story to be found in every facet of our lives. Through the examination of stories in literature, people gain insights into life and themselves. Sabrina teaches in a manner that engages students by actively involving them in the learning process: in analyzing, writing, and communicating. She is a flexible and creative instructor and uses a variety of different styles and methods to assist students given their unique and diverse abilities. She teaches face-to-face classes and online-blended courses. Through investigation of learning theory, educational practice, curriculum design, and educational psychology, she has created learning resources with accompanying websites that offer students independence and control over their learning.


"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all."

Helen Keller

As Helen Keller was both blind and deaf when she said these words, they serve, all the more, as impetus for us to strive.

Areas of Expertise

Sabrina Fox, PhD and M.Ed in Educational Psychology; BEd in Secondary Education.

Areas of Expertise: Online Learning & Web Design, Lifespan Development, Self-Regulation, Cognitive Enrichment, Aging and Learning. She has been a web designer and online instructor for more than 20 years. Much of her web design expertise has been directed at English and English literature. With colleagues, she helped create and sustain one of the largest adult learning centres in Greater Vancouver. Education was delivered in four main styles: face-to-face, learning centre drop-in, online-blended, and fully online. All four formats were offered so that students had choice. In her specialized courses, listed here, all delivery styles were offered in senior levels of English, Communications, Career Preparation, Law, and Media Arts. At VIU, the honing of these skills is underway with the implementation of new blended-online offerings.

An educational psychologist, Sabrina studied at Simon Fraser; her doctoral research focussed on cognition, learning, lifespan development, and self-regulation. She created a fully online experimental intervention site to evaluate the effectiveness of self-regulated strategy use in online learning. The focus was on cognitive enrichment for late adults functioning in a self-regulated environment. The goal was to evaluate the efficacy of a challenging cognitive learning intervention hypothesized to promote memory function and self-regulation skill. Those in later life were evaluated to determine the efficacy of a self-regulated learning environment and to determine if memory could be improved by engagement in complex cognitive learning on a weekly basis. This was experimental quantitative research. The findings were positive and significant.